Destiny Research Corporation

We are a company devoted to research in mental health and every of health in general. We are a non-profit corporation and wish to make all of our research and resources free to the general public young and old alike.

The Growing Crisis: COVID-19 and Mental Health.

What are the psychological effects of COVID-19 on children?
None of us ever imagined we would see our children wearing masks in fear of the almost dark cloud of the Covid-19 virus. We would be sadly mistaken to think our own fear doesn’t affect our children, both mentally and physically for they are both forever linked together as science has proven especially in the last few years. We need research and studies for this aftermath to come to ensure this country and the countries of the world can heal and find some rest and a sense of stability again.

Children are likely to be experiencing worry, anxiety, and fear, and this can include the types of fears that are very similar to those experienced by adults, such as a fear of dying, a fear of their relatives dying, or a fear of what it means to receive medical treatment.

If schools have closed as part of necessary measures, then children may no longer have that sense of structure and stimulation that is provided by that environment, and now they have less opportunity to be with their friends and get that social support that is essential for good mental well-being.

Remember everyone needs smiles and touch, especially our children never let a moment go by without remembering that. Doing it will help you too that’s a scientific fact.

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